VAG MQB key programming device

(1 customer review)



The key programming device is dedicated to cars, which are using UDS protocol and are based on the MQB platform with dashboards produced by VDO. Its purpose is to add a second key, using an original working key. The switches are not used during the key-learning procedure, they are only for self-test. So SW1 till SW8 should be OFF, SW9 and SW10 (they are cut and should never be touched) should be ON.

How to use VAG MQB key programming device:

    • First turn ignition ON with the original key/transponder.
    • Connect the device to the OBDII
    • LED begins to change between green, red and orange, indicating that the device is working on the dashboard. This means you should wait until next LED indication.
    • Shortly after the LED will start blinking in green intensively. This means you should put the working key in the device’s coil (programmer).IMPORTANT: always put the key as in the picture below (antenna should be in the area)
    • The device will read the key and the LED will be changing between green, red and orange.
    • When the working key is read by the programmer. The LED will begin blinking in orange intensively. This means you should put the second key (new UNLOCKED key). If the key is correct, the device will continue to operate indicating that by changing the LED in green, red and orange.
    • After the second key is successfully programmed the LED will start again blinking in green intensively. This time you must turn ON ignition with the original key.IMPORTANT: after the step below the second key will be locked and cannot be used on another car.
    • After that the LED will start blinking in orange intensively. This means you must turn ON ignition with the second key.
    • Then again the device will start working on the dashboard, indicating that by changing colors of the LED.
    • When the device is ready it will indicate it by slowly flashing the LED in green color.
    • In case of an error, the LED will be blinking fast in red. Any other indication except from the stated above means that the device is still working


Generally, when the LED of device is changing colors (green, red and orange) this means that it is working and you must wait. When it is blinking in green intensively, then working (original) key is needed. The third state is when it is blinking in orange intensively and it means that second key is required. NOTE 2: Before you start working on some car, it is recommended to check if the new (second) key is blank (unlocked) via Tag key tool and ProTag.
USE CASE 1: If shortly after connection of the key-learning device to the OBDII the LED is blinking in RED intensively, this can be due to the position of the working key. Please, turn on ignition again and reconnect the device to the OBD II.
USE CASE 2: If shortly after connection of the key-learning device to the OBDII the LED is blinking in RED intensively and USE CASE1 does not help, this is indication that the dashboard has activated blocking time. This can be fixed by waiting 10-30 minutes with the dashboard powered up and ignition ON. The reconnect the device to restart the procedure.

You can see also “Compact key programmer for Fiat, Ducato, Ford Ka, Grande Punto“.

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1 review for VAG MQB key programming device

  1. David Slater

    Tested it. Works.

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